every member's identity is legally protected and special provisions for an ellusive identity have been granted. this means costumes and masks enchanted to make their superhero persona carry slightly varied alterations to their own personal appearance, so no telepath, empath, or earth-bound entity may track down their personal relations and families. it does not eliminate danger but makes the risk a little more cushioned. each hero's identity is a public persona, often featured in newspapers, interviews, and some have become popular enough to warrant commercials and advertisment deals.
currently, the cazerns are building university compounds to house, educate and train future recruits, requited and otherwise dangerous entities. california and new york are the first two constituent entities to legalize these motions and the safe havens will be allowing the cazerns to personally train some of the more dangerous requited children. new york happens to exist as the main base of operations for all cazerns in times of need with the direct estate located at 2 East 91st Street at Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York City.